During my second year at AIE, I joined a team of three artists, two programmers and a designer to develop a finished game in eight months. Cosmosis is a first person action platformer in which the player uses a magic grapple to navigate floating, alien architecture and engage in a huge Boss-fight as the climax
ROLE: Producer, Designer
STATUS: Complete
DURATION: 6 months
AWARDS & RECOGNITION: 'Most Impressive Game Project' AIE 2019
Game Design
Designed and balanced the player's movement mechanics
Designed boss attack mechanics
Concepted key gameplay moments​​​
Managed task lists and a project roadmap
Conducted regular testing and feedback sessions​
Level Design
Designed level layout and boss arena
Pre-production Design
Mechanics Design
Level Design
Task Tracking and Management
I designed the overall gameplay mechanics to challenge the player's skill, and wanted an environment which would reflect that through pitfalls and tricky platforming.
While I iterated upon the player's movement and the grey-box layouts, I found that more open and flowing designs were more fun to parkour through.
My artists and I worked created assets which we could duplicate and reuse to build up a huge open environment, which worked incredibly with the grapple mechanic
- and the game's setting -
I designed the level leading towards a final arena as segments of a larger structure floating in a void, which allowed us to ramp up the grapple ability and focus on air-borne fun, which became the most well received gameplay element among testers.